- Publications :
- nombre total : 28 (15 publications 1er ou dernier auteur + 13 publications co-auteur) + 48 (26 abstracts conférences 1er ou dernier auteur + 22 en tant que co-auteur),
- Lamain, G, Frisee, V, Ramery, E, & Guyot, H. (2012). Successful reduction of cholelithiasis in a holstein cow. Cattle Practice, 20(1), 93-98.
- Lamain, G, Ramery, E, & Guyot, H. (2011). Kyste hématique valvulaire chez une vache Holstein. Point Vétérinaire, 320, 48-52.
- Guyot, H, & Ramery, E. (2011). Outils diagnostiques des maladies infectieuses utilisables en ferme. Point Vétérinaire, Nø Spécial: Maladies Infectieuses des Ruminants: Actualités(314), 78-84.
- Guyot, H, Sandersen, C, & Rollin, F. (2011). A case of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy in a Belgian Blue cow.
- Lamain, G, & Guyot, H. (2011). Tétanos suite à la castration d'un bouc nain. Point Vétérinaire, 313, 44-47.
- Guyot, H, Alves de Oliveira, L, Ramery, E, Beckers, J.-F, & Rollin, F. (2011). Effect of a combined iodine and selenium supplementation on I and Se status of cows and their calves. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 25(2), 118-124.
- Guyot, H. (2011). Two cases of ocular form of Listeriosis in cattle herds. Cattle Practice, 19(1), 61-64
- Guyot, H, Sandersen, C, Brihoum, M, Vandeputte, S, & Rollin, F. (2011). Signs of neurotoxicity in a Belgian Blue herd after ingestion of moulded silage. Cattle Practice, 19(1), 57-60.
- Guyot, H, Ramery, E, O'Grady, L, Sandersen, C, & Rollin, F. (2011). Emergence of bovine ehrlichiosis in Belgian cattle herds. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 2, 116-118.
- Guyot, H, Saegerman, C, Lebreton, P, Sandersen, C, & Rollin, F. (2009). Epidemiology of trace elements deficiencies in Belgian beef and dairy cattle herds. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 23(2), 116-23.
- Guyot, H, Sulon, J, Beckers, J.-F, Closset, J, Lebreton, P, Alves de Oliveira, L, & Rollin, F. (2007). Development and validation of a radioimmunoassay for thyrotropin in cattle. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 19(6), 643-651.
- Guyot, H, Lebreton, P, Alves de Oliveira, L, Sulon, J, Beckers, J.-F, & Rollin, F. (2007). Thyrotropin in newborn calves as a tool for diagnosing hypothyroidism. Cattle Practice, 15(Part 3), 271-275.
- Guyot, H, Mauroy, A, Thiry, E, Losson, B, Bodmer, M, Kirten, P, Rollin, F, & Saegerman, C. (2007). Description clinique des cas de FCO survenus au Nord de l'Europe durant l'été et l'automne 2006. Bulletin des Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires, 39(avril), 89-96.
- Guyot, H, & Rollin, F. (2007). Le diagnostic des carences en Iode et Sélénium chez les bovins. Annales de MédecineVétérinaire, 151, 166-191.
- Guyot, H, Spring, P, Andrieu, S, & Rollin, F. (2007). Comparative responses to sodium selenite and organic selenium supplements in Belgian Blue cows and calves. Livestock Science, 111(3), 259-263.
- Durel, L, Guyot, H, & Theron, L. (2012). VADE-MECUM des mammites bovines. Paris, France: MED'COM.
- Guyot, H, Theron, L, Simon, A, Hanzen, C, Rollin, F, & Lamain, G. (2011). Carnet Clinique de Médecine de Troupeau (3ème édition). Liège, Belgique: Office des Cours.
- Guyot, H, Mauroy, A, Kirschvink, N, Rollin, F, & Saegerman, C. (2008). Clinical aspects of bluetongue in ruminants. Bluetongue in northern Europe (pp. 34-52). Paris, France: World Organization for Animal Health and University of Liege.
- Saegerman, C, Mauroy, A, & Guyot, H. (2008). Appendix. Bluetongue in ruminants: a standardised clinical report form for the use in different species. Bluetongue in northern Europe (pp. 82-87). Paris, France: World Organization for Animal Health and University of Liege.
- Bexiga, R, Guyot, H, & Saegerman, C. (2008). Differential diagnosis of bluetongue. Bluetongue in northern Europe (pp. 57-67). Paris, France: World Organization for Animal Health and University of Liege.