
Adresse : Nationalestraat, 155
Tél. : +32 32476262
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Diplôme principal : Biologiste
Obtenu à : University of Antwerp, Belgium en 1985

Diplôme(s) secondaire(s) :
Docteur en Science (Ph.D.) - U Antwerp 2001 - Vector biology / Parasitology
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - ULB 2001 - Molecular Parasitology / Vector biology
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Institute of Tropical Medicine, 2010 - Vector biology / Parasitology
Formations complémentaires :
Membre de sociétés savantes :
Publications :
1. Van Den Abbeele J, Claes Y, Van Bockstaele D, Le Ray D, Coosemans M (1999). Trypanosoma brucei development in the tsetse fly: characterisation of the postmesocyclic stages in the foregut and proboscis. Parasitology 118:469-478.
2. Van Den Abbeele J, Caljon G, Dierick J-F, Moens L, De Ridder K, Coosemans M (2007). The Glossina morsitans tsetse fly saliva: general characteristics and identification of novel salivary proteins. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 37:1075-1085.
3. Caljon G, Broos K, De Goeyse I, De Ridder K, Sternberg JM, Coosemans M, De Baetselier P, Guisez Y, Van Den Abbeele J (2009). Identification of a functional Antigen-5 related allergen in the saliva of a blood feeding insect, the tsetse fly. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 39:332-341.
4. Alves-Silva J, Ribeiro JMC, Van Den Abbeele J, Attardo G, Hao Z, Haines LR, Soares MB, Berriman M, Aksoy S, Lehane MJ (2010) An insight into the sialome of Glossina morsitans morsitans. BMC Genomics 11:213.
5. Caljon G, De Ridder K, De Baetselier P, Coosemans M, Van Den Abbeele J (2010). Identification of a tsetse salivary protein with dual inhibitory action on human platelet aggregation. PloS ONE 5 (3):e9671.
6. Caljon G, Stijlemans B, Magez S, De Ridder K, Coosemans M, De Baetselier P, Van Den Abbeele J (2012).Tsetse salivary gland proteins 1 and 2 are high affinity nucleic acid binding proteins with residual nuclease activity. PLoS ONE 7 (10):e47233.
7. Van Den Abbeele J, Caljon G, De Ridder K, De Baetselier P, Coosemans M (2010). Trypanosoma brucei modifies the tsetse salivary composition, altering the fly feeding behavior that favors parasite transmission. PLoS Pathogens 6:e1000926.
8. Matetovici I, Caljon G, Van Den Abbeele J (2016). Tsetse fly tolerance to T. brucei infection: transcriptome analysis of trypanosome-associated changes in the tsetse fly salivary gland. BMC Genomics 17:971.
9. Matetovici I, Van Den Abbeele J (2018). Thioester-containing proteins in the tsetse fly (Glossina) and their response to trypanosome infection. Insect Molecular Biology 27:414-428.
10. Caljon G, Van Den Abbeele J, Stijlemans B, Coosemans M, De Baetselier P, Magez S (2006). Tsetse fly saliva accelerates the onset of a Trypanosoma brucei infection in a Mouse model associated with a reduced host inflammatory response. Infection and Immunity 74:6324-6330.
11. Caljon G, Van Reet N, De Trez C, Vermeersch M, Pérez-Morga D, Van Den Abbeele J (2016). The dermis as a delivery site of Trypanosoma brucei for tsetse flies. PLoS Pathogens 12:e1005744.
12. Caljon G, Mabille D, Stijlemans B, De Trez C, Mazzone M, Tacchini-Cottier F, Malissen M, A Van Ginderachter J, Magez S, De Baetselier P, Van Den Abbeele J (2018). Neutrophils enhance early Trypanosoma brucei infection onset. Scientific Reports 8:11203.
13. Caljon G, Van Den Abbeele J, Sternberg J, Coosemans M, De Baetselier P, Magez S (2006). Tsetse fly saliva biases the immune response to type II and induces anti-vector antibodies that are a useful tool for exposure assessment. International Journal for Parasitology 36:1025-1035.
14. Caljon G, Duguma R, De Deken R, Schauvliege S, Gasthuys F, Duchateau L, Van Den Abbeele J (2014). Serological responses and biomarker evaluation in mice and pigs exposed to tsetse fly bites. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8:e2911.
15. Caljon G, Hussain S, Vermeiren L, Van Den Abbeele J (2015). Description of a nanobody-based competitive immunoassay to detect tsetse fly exposure. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9:e0003456.
16. De Vooght L, Caljon G, Van Hees J, Van Den Abbeele J (2015). Paternal transmission of a secondary symbiont during mating in the viviparous tsetse fly. Molecular Biology & Evolution 32:1977-1980.
17. De Vooght L, Caljon G, De Ridder K, Van Den Abbeele J (2014). Delivery of a functional anti-trypanosome Nanobody in different tsetse fly tissues via a bacterial symbiont, Sodalis glossinidius. Microbial Cell Factories 13:156.
18. Trappeniers K, Matetovici I, Van Den Abbeele J, De Vooght L (2019) The tsetse fly displays an attenuated immune response to its secondary symbiont, Sodalis glossinidius. Frontiers in Microbiology 10:1650. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01650.
19. Matetovici I, De Vooght L, Van Den Abbeele J (2019). Innate immunity in the tsetse fly (Glossina), vector of African trypanosomes. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 98 :181-188.
20. International Glossina Genome Initiative (2014). Genome sequence of the tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans): vector of African trypanosomiasis. Science 344:380-386. (includes J. Van Den Abbeele as co-author /salivary gland group leader).
21. Attardo et al. (2019) Comparative genomic analysis of six Glossina genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes. Genome Biology (2019) 20:187. doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1768-2. (includes J. Van Den Abbeele as co-author /salivary gland group leader).
22. Van Xong H, Vanhamme L, Chamekh M, Chimfwembe CE, Van Den Abbeele J, Pays A, Van Meirvenne N, Hamers R, De Baetselier P, Pays E. (1998). A VSG-expression site-associated gene confers resistance to human serum in Trypanosoma rhodesiense. Cell 95: 839-846.
23. Vanhamme L, Paturiaux-Hanocq F, Poelvoorde Ph, Nolan D, Lins L, Van Den Abbeele J, Pays A, Tebabi P, Van Xong H, Jacquet A, Moguilevski N, Dieu M, Kane JP, De Baetselier P, Brasseur R, Pays E (2003). Apolipoprotein L-1 is the trypanosome lytic factor of human serum. Nature 422:83-87.
24. Salmon D, Vanwalleghem G, Morias Y, Denoeud J, Krumbholz C, Lhommé F, Bachmaier S, Kador M, Gossmann J, Braga Stehling Dias G, De Muylder G, Uzureau P, Magez S, Moser M, De Baetselier P, Van Den Abbeele J, Beschin A, Boshart M, Pays E
(2012). Adenylate cyclases of Trypanosoma brucei inhibit the innate immune response of the host. Science 337:463-466.
25. Pontes MH, Smith K, De Vooght L, Van Den Abbeele J, Dale C (2011). Attenuation of the sensing capabilities of PhoQ in transition to obligate insect-bacterial association. PLoS Genetics 7:e1002349.
Activités professionnelles :
- Associate Professor (04/2010-06/2016); head Unit of Veterinary Protozoology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) Antwerp, Belgium.
- Professor (07/2016-ongoing); head Unit of Veterinary Protozoology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium.
- Guest Professor (03/2013-02/2016); Lab Zoophysiology, University of Ghent, Belgium.
- Vice-president and President of the Belgian Society of Protozoology: 2005-2011.
- Member of the "International Glossina Genomics Initiative" (IGGI) consortium/Tsetse fly genome cluster (tsetse salivary gland genes/proteins) since 2004.
- Chair of the ITM-commission Research and vice-chair of the Academic Council (2011-2016).
- Member of the ITM-commission Education: 2017-2020.
- Member of the ITM-commission Research: 2020-
- Member of the ITM-Institutional Review Board: 2018-
- Member of the ITM-Data Access Committee:2019-
- External expert for the Belgian Biosafety Advisory Council in the Expert group "GM animals" (2012 -ongoing).
- Associate editor for "Tropical Medicine & International Health" (2012 - ongoing) and "PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases" (2015 - ongoing).
- My unit is FAO Reference Center for Animal trypanosomiasis and its vectors (2013 - ongoing).
Expérience(s) professionelle(s) :
Since many years I'm highly interested in vector-borne diseases with a specific focus on
i) different aspects of vector biology (e.g. saliva and blood-feeding/parasite transmission, insect immunity, symbionts and paratransgenesis),
ii) the vector-parasite-host molecular interactions and iii) more recently, the host immune response to transmission of the parasite at the vector bite site.
My main research drive is to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and multiple interactions that are playing a role in the parasite development and/or control in the insect vector and the mammalian host at the vector transmission interphase.
I'm convinced that expanding our basic biological knowledge here will pave the way to develop novel approaches to control/hinder the transmission of the parasite and will improve our understanding of the disease transmission dynamics in a changing natural environment.
Since the beginning of my scientific career my research work is concentrated within the context of African trypanosomiasis where the obligate blood feeding tsetse fly, different protozoan Trypanosoma sp. parasites and the mammalian host (human and/or animals) are at the forefront.
Tsetse-transmitted African trypanosomiasis is since many decades a serious threat to human and livestock health with a significant impact on the socio-economic development of many African countries.
Besides research, I'm also very dedicated to capacity strengthening and science training because these are main pillars for the further improvement of human and animal health in low- and middle-income countries.
Expérience(s) pédagogique(s) :
Since 2010, several teaching responsibilities in the Master of Science in Tropical Animal Health at ITM: Research methodology (2011-2015), Vector-borne diseases (since 2011), Laboratory Diagnostics (since 2011), Practicals Molecular Biology (since 2015). Currently, MSTAH-module coordinator of General Vector-borne diseases (9 ECTS) and Lab Diagnostics (9 ECTS). Since 2010, lecturing Parasitology at VUB (IPMB programme) and since 2014, guest lecturing Parasitology at the University of Antwerp (3ø Bachelor Biology).
Promotor of 9 PhD theses and 32 MSc theses so far.(2019)

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