
Adresse : The Bothy, The Old Gardens, Cholmondeley Park, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 8HB.
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Diplôme principal : Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire
Obtenu à : University of Bristol en 2008

Diplôme(s) secondaire(s) :
Diploma in Bovine Reproduction (DBR). University of Liverpool, 2015
Formations complémentaires :
Membre de sociétés savantes :
Publications :
In 2015 I was awarded the Diploma in Bovine Reproduction, a two year Masters equivalent, from the University of Liverpool. Currently there are only around 140 vets worldwide that hold this prestigious diploma, with its advanced statistical component and research dissertation. My research project is currently under review for publication in the Journal of Dairy Science, providing me with further insight in to the peer review process.
Activités professionnelles :
Lambert Leonard & May, Farm Veterinary Surgeons, SY13 4AQ. January 2012 - Current.
Precision Milking, Milk Harvest Consultancy, SY13 4AQ. 2013 - Current.

I work as a clinician in a specialist dairy veterinary firm that is one of the largest independent practices and also widely considered one of the most progressive farm animal veterinary businesses in the UK. The team of fourteen clinicians caters for around 50,000
milking cows (plus youngstock, beef, etc.) in the UK's region of greatest dairy density. Clients range from extensive grazing systems through to some of the UK's largest intensive herds and include Gold Cup finalists, Cream Award winners, Nuffield scholars and
industry key opinion leaders.

Data analysis is a key component of my work both for farm clients and industry partners. Being fully competent in using spread sheet and database tools, statistical programmes such as Minitab and Stata, and the numerous bespoke tools used in the industry
allows me to ensure that health data is critically evaluated and reviewed to help achieve best practise.

Training and teaching are perhaps the greatest way of effecting change on a large scale. As such, I incorporate this in to all aspects of my work within the animal health industry. Becoming a LANTRA-approved trainer has provided me with the communication
and training skills to approach any advisory scenario. I enjoy being actively involved in knowledge transfer, whether it is in practical training of farmers, guest lectures at Veterinary Schools around the globe, courses for veterinary continued professional
development (CPD) or some of the many speaking engagements at veterinary or industry conferences.

Milk harvest and udder health make up a significant part of my work. This work led to recognition of a need for improved advice to the industry on the relationship between the cow and the milking parlour. In 2013 with two colleagues, I founded Precision
Milking, a consultancy business providing specialist advice and services for udder health and milking machine optimisation for farms throughout the UK and Europe. This has led to a growing amount of consultancy work for other businesses within the dairy
industry around the globe.

Providing practical courses on animal husbandry and health care for farmers has proven extremely rewarding, with several hundred farmers 'graduating' from these courses. Delivering veterinary CPD and practical training around the world has required
multimedia and video-conferencing for 'webinar-style' delivery, as well as more conventional courses.

Marketing and communications are vital to effect change and influence the development of the field of veterinary medicine. Proficiency in these areas has played a significant part in building both the veterinary and milking consultancy businesses. Gaining
expertise in digital media and developing an understanding of this market place has been a useful addition to more traditional veterinary attributes. Running the Precision Milking website and Twitter account has given me an appreciation of the varying tactics
required to reach different targeted audiences.

Writing articles for professional publications, such as the journal of the British Cattle Veterinary Association, as well as periodicals with a wider industry readership such as the Farmers Guardian have provided opportunity to combine scientific and literary skills. For
the last four years I have also edited the Lambert Leonard & May periodical. This twenty page news release is published monthly, with the pressure of regular production deadlines, editing and proof-reading now being a part of each month's routine.
Expérience(s) professionelle(s) :
A broad and deep experience of the field of veterinary science over the last decade:
- multi-species general practitioner
- specialist dairy veterinarian working in both developed and developing countries
- holder of the Diploma in Bovine Reproduction
- consultant and training provider to the animal health industry around the world
- technical director of a milk harvest consultancy business.

Working for three years in a mixed species general practice provided a firm grounding in all areas of veterinary medicine. The following five years in a leading UK farm veterinary business allowed me to become highly accomplished in bovine medicine and surgery. This work focuses on evidence-based preventative medicine, featuring constant monitoring, audit and review to facilitate a one-health approach that encompasses sustainability in animal and human health and welfare, food security, environmental stability and economic strength.

Obtaining my Diploma in Bovine Reproduction has furthered my skills as a scientist, giving me a broad working knowledge of scientific method, epidemiology and statistics. These skills are also in frequent use in my work for Precision Milking, the international milk harvest consultancy business that I set up with two colleagues four years ago. One key aspect of this job is designing robust clinical trials for third parties within the industry.
Expérience(s) pédagogique(s) :
My diploma and my milk harvest consultancy have also led to an increasing amount of lecturing around the globe, with recent invitations to speak in Portugal, Canada, Ireland and Poland, as well as regular guest lectures in the UK veterinary schools. I have also been invited to collaborate and advise on research projects at the University of Liverpool and the Royal Veterinary College.

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