
Adresse : Nybollevej, 15
2765, SMORUM
Tél. :
Fax :
GSM : +45 61463036

Diplôme principal : Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire
Obtenu à : University of Ghent en 2003

Diplôme(s) secondaire(s) :
Master of Science (DEA ScV) (ULg - 2008)
Specialist degree in equine internal medicine (DES) (ULg 2008
IFRES Certificate ("Institut de Formation et de Recherche en Enseignement Supérieur") (ULg 2010)
Doctor in Veterinary Sciences, (ULg 2012)
Diplomate of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM), 2009
Formations complémentaires :
Membre de sociétés savantes :
Publications :
Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals
As first or last author
Hóffer S. E., Votion D.-M., Boemer F., Nautrup Olsen S., van Galen G. (2016) Atypical myopathy in Denmark confirmed with the aTRAQ© assay. Submitted to Veterinary Record
van Galen G., Rijckaert J., Mair T., Amory H., Armengou L., Bezdekova B., Durie I., Findshój Delany R., Fouché N., Haley L., Hewetson M., van den Hoven R., Kendall A., Malalana F., Muller J., Picavet T., Roscher K., Verwilghen D., Westermann C.,
Saegerman C. (2016) A retrospective study of 155 adult equids and 21 foals with tetanus from Western, Northern and Central Europe (2000-2014). Part 2: Prognostic assessment. Accepted for publication in Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
van Galen G., Rijckaert J., Mair T., Amory H., Armengou L., Bezdekova B., Durie I., Findshój Delany R., Fouché N., Haley L., Hewetson M., van den Hoven R., Kendall A., Malalana F., Muller J., Picavet T., Roscher K., Verwilghen D., Wehrli Eser M.,
Westermann C., Saegerman C. (2016) A retrospective study of 155 adult equids and 21 foals with tetanus from Western, Northern and Central Europe (2000-2014). Part 1: Description of history and clinical evolution. Under review for publication in Journal of
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
van Galen G., Leblond A., Tritz P., Martinelle L., Pronost S., Saegerman C. (2015). A retrospective case-control study on equine herpesvirus-1 associated myeloencephalopathy in France (2008-2011). Vet Microbiology, 179 (3-4), 304-9.
Saegerman C, Alba-Casals A, García-Bocanegra I, Dal Pozzo F, van Galen G. (2014). Clinical Sentinel Surveillance of Equine West Nile Fever, Spain. Transboundary Emerging Diseases, doi: 10.1111/tbed.12243. [Epub ahead of print]
van Galen, G., Votion, D.M. (2014). Review on invitation: Gestion des cas, traitement et prevention chez les compagnons de pâture lors de myopathie atypique. (how to manage cases with atypical myopathy and how to prevent the disease in co-grazing horses)
Pratique Vétérinaire equine, 184, 16-21.
Verwilghen D., Hernlund E., Ekman S., Pringle J., Johnston C., van Galen G. (2013). A giant non-strangulating mesenteric lipoma as a cause of recurrent colic in a horse. Equine Veterinary Education, 25, 9, 451-455.
van Galen G., Holberg Pihl T. (2013). Letter to the editor concerning: Transrectal decompression as a new approach for treatment of large intestinal tympany in horses with colic: Preliminary results. Equine Veterinary Education, 25, 9, 485-486.
Votion DM, van Galen G (shared first author), Sweetman L, Boemer F, de Tullio P, Dopagne C, Lefère L, Mouithys-Mickalad A, Patarin F, Rouxhet S, van Loon G, Serteyn D, Sponseller BT, Valberg SJ. (2014). Identification of methylenecyclopropyl acetic acid
in serum of European horses with atypical myopathy. Equine Veterinary Journal, 46(2), 146-149.
van Galen, G., Calozet L., Leblond A., Tritz P., Dal Pozzo F., Porter S.R., Cay A.B., Amory H., Saegerman C. (2013). Could Belgian horses be screened for West Nile fever by the use of the clinical examination only? Veterinary Record, 172(4), 101.
van Galen, G., Cerri S., Porter S., Saegerman C., Lefere L., Roscher K., Marr C., Amory H., Votion D-M. (2013). Exploratory assessment of acid-base and shock variables in horses suffering from atypical myopathy. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 27(1),
van Galen, G., Votion D.M. (2013). Management of cases suffering from atypical myopathy based on interpretation of the current descriptive, epidemiological and pathophysiological knowledge. Part 1: First aid, cardiovascular, nutritional and digestive care.
Equine Veterinary Education, 25(5), 264-270.
van Galen, G., Votion D.M. (2013). Management of cases suffering from atypical myopathy based on interpretation of the current descriptive, epidemiological and pathophysiological knowledge. Part 2: Muscular, urinary, respiratory and hepatic care and
inflammatory/infectious status. Equine Veterinary Education, 25(6), 308-314.
van Galen, G., Marcillaud Pitel, C., Saegerman, C., Patarin, F., Amory, H., Baily, J.D., Cassart, D., Gerber, V., Hahn, C.N, Harris, P., Keen, J.A., Kirschvink, N., Lefere, L., McGorum, B., Muller, J.M.V., Picavet, M.T.J.E., Piercy, R., Roscher, K., Serteyn, D.,
Unger, L., van der Kolk, J.H., van Loon, G., Verwilghen, D., Westermann, C.M., Votion, D.-M. (2012). European outbreaks of atypical myopathy in grazing equids (2006 - 2009). Spatiotemporal distribution, history and clinical features. Equine Veterinary Journal,
44(5), 614-620.
van Galen, G., Marcillaud Pitel, C., Saegerman, C., Patarin, F., Amory, H., Baily, J.D., Cassart, D., Gerber, V., Hahn, C.N, Harris, P., Keen, J.A., Kirschvink, N., Lefere, L., McGorum, B., Muller, J.M.V., Picavet, M.T.J.E., Piercy, R., Roscher, K., Serteyn, D.,
Unger, L., van der Kolk, J.H., van Loon, G., Verwilghen, D., Westermann, C.M., Votion, D.-M. (2012). European outbreaks of atypical myopathy in grazing equids (2006 - 2009). Determination of indicators for risk and prognostic factors. Equine Veterinary
Journal, 44(5); 621-625.
van Galen, G., Patarin, F., Votion, D.-M. (2011). Review: Preventing atypical myopathy in grazing horses with rational management of pastures and horses drawn on the basis of the identification of risk factors for disease. Agriculture and the Environment.
van Galen, G., Amory, H., Busschers, E., Cassart, D., De Bruijn, M., Gerber, V., Keen, J., Lefere, L., Marcillaud Pitel, C., Marr, C., Muller, J. M. V., Pineau, X., Saegerman, C., Sandersen, C., Serteyn, D., Torfs, S., Unger, L., Verwilghen, D., & Votion, D. (2010).
European outbreak of atypical myopathy in the autumn 2009. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 20, 528-532.
van Galen G., Bolen G., Verwilghen D., Etienne A.L., Rabba S., Grulke S., Billen F., Snaps F. (2010). Imaging diagnosis: CT features of choanal atresia in a Friesian foal. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 30,8: 436-440.
van Galen G. (2010). Les urgences respiratoires chez le poulain (Respiratory emergencies in the foal). Pratique Vétérinaire Equine, 42 (165), 39-47.
van Galen, G., Busoni, V., Sandersen, C., Verwilghen, D., Cassart, D. & Amory, H. (2009). A case of a periarticular abscess and suppurative arthritis of the atlanto-occipital joint. Equine Veterinary Education, 21(7), 340-343.
van Galen, G., Cassart, D., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Nollet, H., Amory, H. & Ducatelle, R. (2008). The Composition of the Inflammatory Infiltrate in Three Cases of Polyneuritis Equi. Equine Veterinary Journal, 40(2), 185-8.
van Galen, G., Delguste, C., Sandersen, C., Verwilghen, D., Grulke, S. & Amory, H. (2008). Tetanus in the equine species: a retrospective study of 31 cases. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 133(12), 512-7.
van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., Amory, H. & Votion, D. (2008). Atypical myopathy: new insights into the pathophysiology, prevention and management of the condition. Equine Veterinary Education, 20(5), 234-238.
van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., Amory, H. & Votion, D. (2008). Approche diagnostique des myopathies chez le cheval (Diagnostic approach of myopathies in the horse). Le nouveau Praticien vétérinaire équine, Hors-série Les troubles de la démarché chez les
équidés, 15, 25-31.
van Galen, G., Verwilghen, D. & Van Erck, E. (2006). La Gourme: épidémiologie, pathogénèse, clinique, traitement et prevention (Strangles: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, treatment and prevention). Pratique Vétérinaire Equine, 38(150), 1-5.
van Galen, G. & Amory, H. (2005). Les affections cardio-respiratoires les plus fréquentes chez le cheval agé (The most important cardio-respiratory pathologies in the geriatric horse). Le nouveau praticien vétérinaire équine, 184, 31-35.

As co-author
Hyldahl Laursen S., van Galen G., Wolf-Jäckel G.A., Buhl R. (2015) Pulmonary stenosis due to a compressing intrathoracic abscess in a thoroughbred yearling. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, in press
Patarin, F., van Galen, G., Pitel, C., Votion, D.M. (2014). Review on invitation: Myopathie atypique: épidémiologie des cas européens. (atypical myopathy: epidemiology of European cases) Pratique Vétérinaire equine, 184, 12-14.
Verwilghen D., van Galen G., Weese S. (2013). Clinical commentary: Shooting hard with antibiotics: is it really necessary? Equine Veterinary Education, 26(4), 176-178.
Gabriel A., Hontoir F., van Galen G., Verwilghen D., Carstanjen C. (2013). Tracheotomie temporaire chez le cheval. Annales Medecine Veterinaire, 157, 45-51.
Verwilghen D., Busoni V., van Galen G., Wilke M. (2011), Investigation of the best suture pattern to close a stuffed Christmas turkey. Veterinary Record, 169(26):685-6.
Porter, S., Leblond, A., Lecollinet, S., Tritz, P., Cantile, C., Kutasi, O., Zientara, S., Pradier, S., van Galen, G., Speybroek, N., & Saegerman, C. (2011). Clinical diagnosis of West Nile Fever in equids by classification and regression tree (CART) analysis and
comparative study of clinical appearance in three European countries. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 58(3):197-205.
Verwilghen, D., Mainil, J., Mastrocicco, E., Hamaide, A., Detilleux, J., van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., & Grulke, S. (2011). Surgical hand antisepsis in veterinary practice: evaluation of soap scrubs and alcohol based rub techniques. Veterinary Journal, 190(3), 372-7.
Verwilghen, D., van Galen, G., Busoni, V., Cassart, D., Salciccia, A., Serteyn, D. & Grulke, S. (2010). Meckel's diverticulum as a cause of colic: 2 cases with different morphological features. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 135(11), 452-455.
Verwilghen, D., Gabriel, A., Busoni, V., van Galen, G., Grulke, S. & Serteyn, D. (2009). Les tendinopathies et desmopathies de la région métacarpienne et -tarsienne: une revue des thérapies actuelles. Première partie: la structure, les lésions du tendon et le
diagnostic. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 3(153), 145-155.
Votion, D., van Galen, G., Caudron, I. & Serteyn, D. (2009). Gestion médicale des myopathies: les premiers gestes. Pratique Vétérinaire Equine, 41(numéro speciale), 119-126.
Verwilghen, D., Vander Heyden, L., Franck, T., Busoni, V., Enzerink, E., Gangl, M., Lejeune, J.-P., van Galen, G., Grulke, S. & Serteyn, D. (2009). Variations of plasmatic concentrations of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I in post-pubescent horses affected with
developmental osteochondral lesions. Veterinary Research Communications, 33(7):701-9.
Votion, D., Linden, A., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Thiry, E., Engels, P., van Galen, G., Navet, R., Sluse, F., Serteyn, D. & Saegerman, C. (2009). Atypical Myopathy In Grazing Horses: A First Exploratory Data Analysis. Veterinary Journal, 180(1).
Porter S., Saegerman C., van Galen G., Sandersen C., Delguste C., Guyot H., Amory H. (2008). Vegetative endocarditis in the horse: retrospective study. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 22, 1411-1416.
Verwilghen, D., van Galen, G., Vander Heyden, L., Busoni, V., Salciccia, A., Balligand, M., Serteyn, D. & Grulke, S. (2008). Mandibular osteodistraction for correction of deep bite class II malocclusion in a horse. Veterinary Surgery, 37(6), 571-579.
Verwilghen, D., Ponthier, J., van Galen, G., Salciccia, A., Sandersen, C., Serteyn, D. & Grulke, S. (2008). The use of radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of urethral urolithiasis in the horse: a preliminary study. Journal of Veterinary Internal
Medicine, 22(6), 1449-51.
Votion, D., Linden, A., Saegerman, C., Engels, P., Erpicum, M., Thiry, E., Delguste, C., Rouxhet, S., Demoulin, V., Navet, R., Sluse, F., Serteyn, D., van Galen, G. & Amory, H. (2007). History and clinical features of atypical myopathy in horses in Belgium (2000-
2005). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 21(6, Nov-Dec), 1380-1391.
Activités professionnelles :
April 2015 - present: Associate Professor Internal Medicine at Large Animal Clinic, Internal Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
October 2011 - current: Partner and independent specialist internal medicine at Equinespecialists Ltd: provider of surgical and medical specialist services towards the veterinary community

January 2013 - March 2015: Assistant Professor Internal Medicine at Large Animal Clinic, Internal Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
February 2012 - August 2012: Researcher at the Department of Epidemiology of the Veterinary College of Liege, Belgium.
May 2011 - October 2011: Senior clinician at the Equine Clinic of the University Large Animal Hospital, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
January 2009 - February 2011: Senior clinician at the Equine Veterinary Clinic of the Veterinary College of Liege, Belgium
January 2005 - January 2009: Junior clinician and resident ECEIM at the Equine Department of the Veterinary College of Liege, Belgium.
August 2003 - October 2004: Internship at Equine clinic "Veterinary Centre Someren", Someren, The Netherlands.

Expérience(s) professionelle(s) :
Expérience(s) pédagogique(s) :
2015 - present: responsible for the exam of the almen klinisk praksis

2013 - present: FVM Copenhagen, Denmark
Lectures, clinical teaching, seminars and workshops in the following courses
- General large animal theory course - SVEB10407
- General large animal clinical practice course SVEK1009
- Emergency course - SVEK11005
- Horse differentiation course - SVEK11011
- Medicine, surgery and reproduction of large animals - SVEK11008

2010 - 2011: course on equine biosecurity for students, FVM, Liege, Belgium

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