- Formations complémentaires :
- - organisation et participation aux formations signes de vaches : deux fois 2 jours, 2011 et 2013, Université de Liège
- - congrès : GTV 2011-2015 3 jours; EAAP, 2008-2012, 4jours; ESVCN, 2009-2011, 3 jours, 3R, 2007-2015, 2 jours; congrès mondial de buaterie, 2012, 2015 3 jours. Dairy nutrition symposium 2012, 2015. Dairy symposium 2016
- Publications :
- E. Knapp, P. Chapaux, L. Istasse, K. touati, 2007. Nutrition et fertilité. Wallonie Elevage, 10, pp. 45-47.
- E.Knapp, P.Chapaux, L.Istasse, K. Touati, 2008 Nutrition et fertilité en spéculation vaches allaitantes Blanc Bleu. Herd Book Blanc Bleu Belge sans le cadre du " Livre de la race ".
- E. Knapp, I. Dufrasne, Ph. Chapaux, L. Istasse, 2009 La ration de la vache Tarie : une des clés du succès de la lactation. Wallonie Elevage
- E.Knapp, P. Chapaux, L.Istasse, K.Touati , 2008. Inventory of reproduction performances in cattle herds from the artificial insemination network. Book of abstract of the 59th annual meetin of the EAAP, 14, p 161.
- E.Knapp, Ph.Chapaux, L. Istasse,I. Dufrasne, K.Touati, 2008. Survey in the artificial insemination network on reproduction performance in cattle herds as influenced by management at farm level. Proceedings of the ESVCN congress, 12, p123.
- E.Knapp, Ph.Chapaux, L. Istasse,I. Dufrasne, K.Touati, 2008. Health status, production and reproduction performance in cattle herds as influenced by management. Proceedings of the ESVCN congress, 12, p124
- E.Knapp, Ph.Chapaux, L. Istasse,I. Dufrasne, K.Touati, 2008. Méthodologie d'analyse, par indicateurs clefs et arbres décisionnels, des problèmes environnementaux liés à la reproduction en troupeaux bovins en Wallonie. Rencontres Recherches Ruminants, 15, pp. 379-382.
- Holstein cows in early lactation: 1 influence of days in milk, lactation number and yield on milk characteristics and fatty acids contents. Proceedings of the 15th European Society of Veterinarian Comparative Nutrition congress, 2011, p 48.
- Holstein cows in early lactation: 2 influence of days in milk, lactation number and yield on plasma metabolites, fatty acids and hormones. Proceedings of the 15th European Society of Veterinarian Comparative Nuntrition congress, 2011 (15), p 128.
- Cysts and ovarian activity in Holstein dairy cows in early lactation related to milk and plasma fatty acids and to plasma metabolites and hormones. Book of abstracts of the 62nd annual meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 2001, p286
- Trace element deficiencies related to production or health disorders in Belgian cattle herds. Book of abstract of the world buiatrics congress in 2016.
- Inflammation et alimentation : des pistes intéressantes. Congrès des GTV, Nantes, 2016.
- Effect of Dry-Period Diet on the Performance and Metabolism of Dairy Cows in Early Lactation. Julien Soulat, Emilie Knapp, Nassim Moula, Céline Purnelle and Isabelle Dufrasne. Animals, 2020, 10(5), 803
- Influence of Days in milk and parity on milk and blood fatty acid concentrations, blood metabolites and hormones in early lactation holstein cow. Knapp E, Dang Van Q.C, Hornick JL, Dufrasne I. Animals 2020, 10(11), 2081
- Assesment of a Rapid semi-quantitative immunochromatographic test for the evaluation of transfer of passive immunity in calves. Delhez P, Meurette E, Knapp E, Theron L, Daube G, Rao AS. Animals 2021, 11(6), 1641