
Adresse : FMV Boulevard de Colonster 20 B44
Tél. : +32 4 3664200
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Diplôme principal : Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire
Obtenu à : ULg en 1983

Diplôme(s) secondaire(s) :
- dipl ECVIM-CA (European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals), 1995
- PhD (Utrecht), 1988
Formations complémentaires :
- Certificat complémentaire en médecine nucléaire, Ulg, 1985
- Maître d'expérience catégorie C Felasa, 2000
Membre de sociétés savantes :
- ECVIM-ESVIM (société-collège européen Médecine Interne)
- CRS (vet comparative society)
Publications :
Chapitres de livres
" Le diagnostic clinique et les examens complémentaires en pneumologie chez le chien et le chat. In : Nouveau praticien vétérinaire, Hors série : diagnostic et examens complémentaires. C. Clercx . Editions NEVA, 2004.
" Section on Respiratory Medicine. In : The Year in Small Animal Practice, 2004 (annual titles providing expert reviews of selected papers in the published literature of a given specialty).
" Chapter on respiratory diseases. In : Praktikum der Hundklinik, 10th Edition.
" Chapter 8. Immune-mediated respiratory and cardiac disease, In "Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat", 1st edition. MJ Day, Manson Publishing, 2006
" Chapter 8. Immune-mediated respiratory and cardiac disease, In "Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat", 2d edition. MJ Day, Manson Publishing, 2008
" Reverse sneezing / rhinitis, bacterial / rhinitis, lymphoplasmacytic / sinusitis and other sinus disorders In : The Veterinary Clinical Advisor. Rance Sellon, Mosby/Saunders, 2008.
" Chapter on update on canine sinonasal aspergillosis. D. Peeters , C. Clercx. In "Veterinary Clinics of North America", volume 37, number 5, pp.902-916. Elsevier, september 2007
" Chapter on Canine Eosinophilic. C. Clercx, D. Peeters. In "Veterinary Clinics of North America", volume 37, number 5, pp.917-935. Elsevier, september 2007 .
" Reverse sneezing / rhinitis, bacterial / rhinitis, lymphoplasmacytic / sinusitis and other sinus disorders In : The Veterinary Clinical Advisor. Rance Sellon, Mosby/Saunders, 2008.
" Chapter on respiratory diseases. In : Praktikum der Hundklinik, 10th Edition.

Publications originales
" An immunological investigation of canine eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy. C. Clercx, D. Peeters, Y. Khelil, K. McEntee, A. Vanderplasschen, F. Schynts, P. Hansen, A. German, M. Day. J. Vet. Intern. Med, 16 (2002), 229-237. FI 1,683
" Intranasal infusion of enilconazole for treatment of sinonasal aspergillosis in dogs. J.L. Zonderland, C.K. Störk, J. Saunders, A. Hamaide, M. Balligand, C. Clercx. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 221 (2002), 1421-1425.
" Rhinitis/bronchopneumonia syndrome in the irish wolfhound: clinical, ultrastructural and immunological findings. C. Clercx, D. Peeters, C. Tual, F. Savonet, K. McEntee, T. Willems, M. Jorissen, M. J. Day. J. Vet. Intern. Med., 2003, 17 (2003), 843-849. FI 1,683
" Resolution of chylothorax after resection of rib chondroma in a dog. S. Watine, A. Hamaide, D. Peeters, J. Saunders, M. Heimann, M. Day, C. Clercx. J. Small Anim. Pract, 44 (2003), 546-549. FI 0,717
" A retrospective study of non-specific rhinitis in 22 cats and the value of nasal cytology and histopathology. L. Michiels, M.Day, F. Snaps, P. Hansen, C. Clercx J. Fel. Med. Surg., 5 (2003), 279-285. FI 1,402
" Distribution of leucocyte subsets in the canine nasal aspergillosis. D. Peeters, M.J. Day, F. Farnir, P. Moore, C. Clercx. J. Comp. Pathol., 132 (2005), 261-272. FI 0,939
" An immunohistochemical study of canine nasal aspergillosis. D. Peeters, M.J. Day, P. Moore and C. Clercx. J. Comp. Pathol., 132 (2005), 283-288. FI 0,939
" Distribution of leucocyte subsets in bronchial mucosa from dogs with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy. D. Peeters, M.J. Day, C. Clercx. J. Comp. Pathol., 133 (2005), 128-135. FI 0,939
" Diagnosis of pharyngeal disorders in dogs : a retrospective study of 67 cases. F. Billen, M. J. Day and C. Clercx. J Small Animal Pract, 47 (2006), 122-129. FI 0,717
" Evaluation of respiratory function by barometric whole-body plethysmography in healthy dogs. J. Talavera, N. Kirschvink, S. Schuller, A. Le Garrérès, P. Gustin, J. Detilleux, C. Clercx Vet. J., 172 (2006), 67-77. FI 1,789
" Surgical treatment of canine nasal aspergillosis by rhinotomy combined with enilconazole infusion and oral itraconozal. S. Claeys, J.B. Lefebvre, S. Schuller, A. Hamaide, C. Clercx. J. Small Anim. Pract., 47 (2006), 320-324. FI 0,717
" Distribution of leucocyte subsets in the canine pharyngeal tonsil. F. Billen, D. Peeters, S. Dehard, M.J. Day, C. Clercx. J. Comp. Pathol., 135 (2006), 63-73. FI 0,939
" Surgical treatment of canine nasal aspergillosis. Clercx C. J. Small Anim. Pract., 47 (2006), 416. No abstract available. FI 0,717
" Long-term outcome in dogs with sinonasal aspergillosis treated with intranasal infusions of enilconazole. S. Schuller, C. Clercx. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc., 43 (2007), 33-8.
" Distinct tissue cytokine and chemokine mRNA expression in canine sino-nasal aspergillosis and idiopathic lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis. D. Peeters, IR Peters, CR.Helps, A. Gabriel, MJ. Day, Clercx C. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 117 (2007), 95-105. FI 1,994
" Update on canine sinonasal aspergillosis. D. Peeters, C. Clercx. Vet. Clin. North Am Small Anim. Pract., 37 (2007), 901-16. FI 0,738
" Canine eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy. C. Clercx, D. Peeters. Vet. Clin. North Am Small Anim. Pract., 37 (2007), 917-35. FI 0,738
" Whole blood and tissue fungal DNA quantification in the diagnosis of canine sino-nasal aspergillosis. D. Peeters, IR. Peters, CR. Helps, S. Dehard,MJ. Day MJ, Clercx C. Vet. Microbiol., (Oct. 2 2007). FI 2,073
" Characterisation of the acute and reversible airway inflammation induced by cadmium chloride inhalation in healthy dogs and evaluation of the effects of salbutamol and prednisolone. M. Bolognin, N. Kirschvink J. Leemans, V. De Buscher, F. Snaps, P. Gustin, Peeters D, C. Clercx. Vet J., (Nov. 21 2007). FI 1,589
" Comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage cytospins and smears in dogs and cats. S. Dehard, F. Bernaerts, D. Peeters, M.J. Day, C. Clercx. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc., 2008 Nov-Dec;44(6):285-94
" Description of original endoscopic findings and respiratory functional assessment using barometric whole-body plethysmography in dogs suffering from brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome. F. Bernaerts, J. Talavera, J. Leemans, A. Hamaide, S. Claeys, N. Kirschvink, C. Clercx Vet J, 2010 Jan;183(1):95-102. Epub 2008 Oct 25 FI 1,589
Activités professionnelles :
Professeur de médecine interne des Animaux de Compagnie
Expérience(s) professionelle(s) :
Cécile Clercx est diplômée de l'Université de Liège (promotion 1983). Elle rejoint le département des Sciences cliniques des petits animaux de la faculté de médecine vétérinaire de l'Ulg, au service de médecine interne, où elle est aujourd'hui professeur ordinaire. En 1983, elle défend sa thèse de doctorat à l'Université d'Utrecht (Pays-Bas). Depuis 1995, elle est diplômée du collège européen de Médecine Interne des animaux de compagnie : elle a été membre du board de ce collège de 1998 à 2002 et est actuellement membre du comité d'éducation.
Elle s'intéresse principalement aux maladies du tractus respiratoire (haut et bas) chez le chien et le chat (notamment l'aspergillose, les rhinites chroniques, la bronchite féline, la bronchopneumopathie éosinophilique, la fibrose pulmonaire..). Sur ces sujets, elle est l'auteur de nombreuses présentations et communications lors de congrès internationaux, ainsi que de publications scientifiques dans des journaux et des livres
Expérience(s) pédagogique(s) :
cours, conférences internationales

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